
Winter eyes

It’s that time of year when we start to feel dry, itchy,

Colour Blindness

Red-green and blue-yellow colour blindness is actually more accurately known as “colour vision deficiency” because you are not actually blind.

How I solved my mom’s dry eye symptoms

It’s tricky business, being part of the sandwich generation. At the same time you’re in the thick of parenting, your own parents begin needing your care and energy as well. 

If your parents are anything like mine, then you probably get a few calls or texts each week presenting you with a problem they expect you to solve. How do I find the contacts in my phone? Is yogurt that expired two months ago okay to eat? Can you Google this medical symptom for me? Overnight, you seemingly become a consultant for all their problems, big and small.

Lately, my mom’s main complaint has been dry eye symptoms. When I looked it up, I realized it’s actually a very common problem, affecting millions of people. Women and seniors seem to be hardest hit. 

There’s a long list of irritating symptoms, but what I really noticed was how much they were affecting my mom’s quality of life. Driving and reading were becoming a challenge and she spent a lot of time feeling uncomfortable. Dry eyes can feel scratchy and itchy, almost like you have something stuck in there. Imagine living like that day in and day out. 

In addition to general irritation, dry eyes can cause problems with night vision and prevent you from wearing contacts. Your eyes may burn or be increasingly sensitive to light. Drops may offer temporary relief but don’t address the underlying issues.

What causes dry eyes?

Dry eye syndrome has a long list of possible causes, but the vast majority of dry eye sufferers have Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). This is when the oil-producing glands in your eyes stop producing enough lubricant to keep your eyes comfortably moisturized. And it results in daily discomfort that can impact your quality of life, as was happening to my mom.

Thankfully, new treatments are available for the millions of people with dry eye syndrome. One amazing new approach is LipiFlow, and I found out it’s available right here in Edmonton at SD Eyecare.

This treatment effectively removes any blockages in your meibomian glands so that oil production can resume. The treatment is conveniently performed right in the clinic. Anesthetic drops make sure there’s no discomfort, so all you’ll feel is warm, gentle pressure, kind of like an eye massage. There’s no downtime, so as soon as your treatment is completed, you can return to your normal activities.

By restoring your eyes’ ability to produce meibomian, LipiFlow prevents your tears from evaporating too quickly, so your eye discomfort will disappear. It’s a natural and painless process that gives patients real relief. 

As our kids get older, answering their questions becomes more complex. Thankfully, I can usually respond to my parents more easily: there’s a contact button in your phone app and please don’t eat that yogurt. I was also happy to be able to direct her to her optometrist to ask more about Lipiflow treatments for her dry eye symptoms.

A simple consultation can determine whether or not you’re a candidate for Lipiflow. If it’s the right treatment for you, then you’re in luck: it’s simple, quick, and can finally rid you of irritating dry eye symptoms and restore your quality of life. 

Find out more about LipiFlow here or book a consultation to find out how Dr. Sam Dhaliwal and Associates can effectively treat dry eye symptoms. Whether it’s your eyes or your parents’, it’s good to know where to find help.